#076: LLCs: Protect Your Business & Personal Assets

Don’t wait until you’re facing a lawsuit and it’s too late to protect all of your assets. Set up an LLC today, and separate your business properties from your personal property. Jim Burch from Easy Legal Planning answers all of your LLC questions and dispels common misconceptions that could land you in legal hot water.

#075: Beat Out the iBuyers

In this business, real estate investors notoriously don’t like Realtors, and Realtors don’t like real estate investors. Chris Craddock, on the other hand, has bridged the gap between the two and found a way for everybody to make money. At around 200 deals a year, he makes the real estate pivot look good.

#074: The 4 Returns of Real Estate

I have an agenda, and I’m not shy about it. Real estate is pretty darn good as an investment tool. For that matter, so is oil and gas, and even stocks; but you have to understand how these all play together in your portfolio. Because we love real estate, Heather and I share the many, many advantages of including this in your retirement portfolio.

#073: Real Estate Lightning Round

Taking listener questions today, I answer your most burning queries. How do you keep track of rental income? When should you buy more properties, and when should you hold off and wait? Heather and I weigh when you should use leverage over cash, and how that answer might change for some of you. It was a lot of fun answering the questions that have been on your mind lately.

#072: Rent Collections and a COVID-19 Market Update

Focusing on national trends means you’ll miss the data from your own backyard. Heather Marchant and I talk about the difference between the national rent collection trend touted in the news with our own personal experience. Real estate, like rent collection, is all about the local trends, and we prove that to you today.

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