#061: How To Know When To Bail

If a deal seems too good to be true, maybe it is. But how do you know when a deal promises more than it will deliver? Heather Marchant and I lay down our hard and fast real estate rules, and also talk about some amazing deals that we passed on because they broke those rules.

#059: Rent Control: Does It Really Solve High Rent Problems?

From a tenant’s point of view, rent control sounds amazing. A stable rent that doesn’t increase despite outside market forces is attractive, especially in a growing city with an out of control real estate prices. Ron lays down the landlord’s point of view in a passionate explanation about the importance of supply and demand, and why rent control could damage the economy.

#058: Stock Market VS. Real Estate

Comparing the ROI of real estate to the stock market isn’t a straight apples-to-apples comparison. Heather and I walk through all of the different benefits of real estate, including appreciation, tenants, and low-interest loans, to figure out the real ROI of real estate and why it blows the stock market out of the water every time.

#057: Why a 30 Year Loan Continues to Be the Best

In a debate of a 15-year mortgage versus a 30-year mortgage, which one will win? I talk with Heather Marchant about the huge advantages of a 30-year mortgage and why it continues to be a superior product for real estate investment. Heather shares her own experience with purchasing real estate during a downturn, and how a 30-year mortgage can improve that situation.

#056: The Lunatic Phase of Real Estate

Online and on social media, I’m seeing a lot of the lunatic phase of real estate. Individuals are calling other individuals out; self-proclaimed experts claim that there is no risk in real estate investing. I’m all for calling certain things out, but there’s a way to do it. That’s what I’m talking about today.

#055: Property Management with Chad Gallagher

If your business is growing faster than you can keep up, you need a property manager. But what are a property manager’s duties? How often should you communicate with them? Our special guest speaker, Chad Gallagher, answers those questions and many more in today’s episode.

#054: How to Rise Above a Toxic Work Environment

In the past, we’ve covered topics like how to create a culture of growth. Now we’re going to discuss the very opposite topic: toxic work environments. How do you know if your company has a toxic work culture? What can you do to change it? Spoiler alert: it all starts with you.

#053: Business Visionaries with Shaun McCloskey

What would you do to get the winning lottery numbers? As far as business and living your best life is concerned, that’s exactly what Shawn McCloskey and I are offering you. On March 12th to 14th , Shawn will be hosting a three day event to help you discover your business vision. Here are the details…

#052: Real Estate Investing Q&A – Lightening Round #2

If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. We’re hosting our second lightning round Q&A with brand new questions! Can you use your 401k to buy real estate? And what do you need to know about 10 31 exchanges? We’re going to answer as many as your questions as possible, as quickly as possible!

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