In the wake of recent hurricanes, Ron Phillips breaks down how natural disasters can impact insurance premiums far beyond the […]
#077: Tips On How to Have A Flexible Retirement Plan
EPISODE SUMMARY Planning to retire in the next 20 years? or NOT planning to retire at all? When it comes to living […]
#050: Wealth Management Lessons To Master Young
In our previous episode, we talked about the lack of financial literacy in American citizens. Now we’re going to give you solutions to better your understanding of personal finances, taxes, and how to talk to your children about money so that they don’t have to learn about debt the hard way.
#049: Financial Education Absent From Schools
How is it possible that a college student can graduate with a degree, but then spend the rest of their life paying off student loans? How can families compile massive amounts of debt? Today, we’re going to talk about why so many are so uneducated about this topic, and what we need to do to change that.